this one reminds me of a less subtle/nice version of J Laz's "Try Harder" piece

so the Co-Prosperity Sphere is a pretty legit space. HUGE studio, a basement for bands....well tonight was just weird remix-onica stuff...and dazzling pretty pretty lights. but the art! did i mention there was a rock climbing wall?
over all the show left me feeling...well, like it was a show curated by Jason Lazarus. Video, Performance, Scultpure, Photo, but the common theme to them all seemed to be the shared experience. Hell, even the bands playing became more of a performance than a music show in the setting, which is what music shows really are, when you stop taking them for granted.
if you havent checked out the show, you definitely should. as with a lot of shows - but especially one with such an emphasis on community experience - if you missed the opening, it wont be quite the same; but its still a pretty great collection of works.
A group show curated by Jason Lazarus.
Open June 17 – July 02, 2011
Co-Prosperity Sphere
3219-21 South Morgan Street, Chicago, IL
also, did i mention i finally got my Fuji x100? no?

;DSFAJDF. what an elegant piece of machinery. Its a great blend of manual camera and digital technology. not for the auto-settings-using faint of heart! i did some tests between my D3100 and the x100. can you say SHARP!?
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